This is a strange story of ironic coincidence or possibly some kind of karmic energy sent from the universe meant either for me, the other girl in this story or both of us.

            This story begins in Framingham state prison. Anytime I was there it was for a short amount of time, usually for a probation violation which usually would land me there for 30 days. Three hots and a cot really isnt that bad when your homeless, especially in the winter. I looked at it as a good nap before getting back to my hustle. Anyway, don’t let me bore you with the details. I am giving that background only so you understand that I was pretty familiar and comfortable during my stays at this particular prison.

            For those that have never been to prison there are bunk beds (just like in the movies). The block I was on where this story begins, had 6x9 cells for two inmates with a bunkbed and a toilet.

            Like every inmate I ever met I prefer(red) the bottom bunk. they are not convenient like the kind you buy for home, they do not have a ladder.  I had been alone in my cell for a couple days between cell mates coming and going and was happy to have the bottom.

            So here is where this strange story really begins. I was actually laying on my bunk reading a james Patterson book (I read a lot of his books behind the walls) when a c.o. (corrections officer) walked in with my new cellmate. I did not bother to turn around or move at all, I had seniority and the bottom bunk was mine. I also did not care who it was since I was not there to meet up with or make friends.

            First thing the c.o. tells me is to get up to the top bunk. I jumped up protesting. Wtf? Bottom bunk is mine! It was when I jumped up and looked at my new cellmate that I realized she was wicked pregnant. For obvious reasons (like the lack of any kind of ladder or stairs to assist in getting up to the top bunk) pregos get the bottom bunk. ugh. I had an Automatic resentment against the skinny little white trash looking witch. (not sure why im bleeping myself in my prison story but I am).

I moved up to the top bunk and continued reading. Not a huge deal. But it turned out that was not going to be the only thing about this girl that just burned my biscuit. In Framingham you have a lot of time to move around the campus, there are certain times you can move from one area to another but most of the day you do not have to be in your cell but can be if you want. During the day you have to go back to your cell to be counted an hour before and after meals, then it is back to opening the cell door and being able to move around the block and campus. This girl was staying in bed all day every day which was fine with me, I was able to sleep off a bid too (that really pisses the other inmates off, especially those serving long sentances) but good for her, sleep away my friend. The part that drove me nuts was that every freakin time I came back in the cell and they closed the door she would immediately poop!! Wtf!!???!! She would have hours just chillin in the cell by herself but would wait till I was there and the door was locked!!

At that time I was a bit rough around the edges and did not have much for patients with others. This was not something that only happened once or twice or even three times, it was a few times a day. I did keep asking wtf??? “your in here all day and you wait for us to get locked to take a stinky sh%t???” she was upset and apologized. She kept telling me she couldn’t help it and that it was happening because she was dope sick, she was 6 months pregnant so I really didn’t even feel a little bit bad for her. I stayed more than annoyed for the rest of that short bid and went back to the mission I was in the middle of at that time.

            A few months later (cant be sure on a period of time due to massive amounts of drugs and a significant lack of sleep) I found myself back in prison. This time I found out I was pregnant with nick and instead of being released from Framingham I had to face charges that brought me to Bristol county jail for a few months.

I had never been to a county jail before. this place was way overcrowded. Initially I was put in a cell called “the classroom” (which was intended and originally used as a classroom). There were 5 bunkbeds so I had 9 cellmates. Im not sure how long I was there for, at least a week I guess. After a while we were moved onto a block around the corner.

            A co walked me into my cell to make sure there would be no problems since I would be getting the bottom bunk. I was so excited!! Since I never serve long sentances I hardly ever get bottom bunk but there was certainty this time!!! We walk into the cell, in this county jail in a different county months after the prego white trash junkie incident and guess who was laying on the bottom bunk of that new cell??????? Im not sure if I ever did know her name (like I said, I don’t go to prison to make friendS). BUT YES, THERE SHE WAS, AND I CAN PROMISE YOU SHE WAS NOT HAPPY ABOUT MOVING TO THE TOP BUNK! THERE IS MORE TO THE STORY, SHE HATED ME AND TRIED LIKE HELL TO GET ME IN TROUBLE WITH the cos but to noavail. Ultimately, she was losing her mind and they took her somewhere. I never saw her again. But what are the freakin chances??? Would love to see some comment thoughts on this one!


Elias said…
when she was getting hauled away, you shoulda been all like “i think of you every time i smell the nastiest of feces”